
Friday, August 6, 2010

Free for the picking

Look at these lovely lemons

My dear Tony found a lemon tree in a park whilst walking the dogs, I tried one and it tasted wonderful. This morning Tony and the two dogs returned to the park to collect some more.

Picture this, a 40 plus year old bloke with two dogs in tow, carrying a fishing rod to the park (he needed something to dislodge the bounty). Thankfully he changed his mind and decided to find a branch in another park to do the job.

These lovely lemons are destined to become lemon curd and to be used in a cheesecake, that Tony has volunteered me to make. I'm thinking white chocolate and lemon curd. I had hoped to make my own quark for the cheesecake but I've just run out of time. Next time!

Don't you just love finding these little freebies

Hope you have a lovely day
Cheers Lisa


Anonymous said...

Free is good. Enjoy!!

Rose said...

Tony..walking dog...freebie..sounds like someone I know. :)