
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here we go again...more rain!

The rain has returned after sunny days on Thursday and Friday. Yesterday afternoon we had a sudden down pour that lasted about 15 minutes, not sure how much rain fell. Then it stopped and we trundled off and took the dogs for a walk.

The view from our front verandah

Overflowing drains

Our front yard

Our neighbours backyard

and front yard

I'm not complaining really, just a bit sick of the rain and the humidity that it brings.

Now for a bit of a catch up of goings on this week.

Wow its been a week since we went to see Joel Salatin. I had intended doing a little post about that earlier but the week turned into a blur of work, headaches and generally feeling sick.

Anyway back to Joel. What a fantastic evening; like minded people, gathered under one massive tent, in amongst a permaculture garden, listening to a very inspirational man, what more could you ask for.

I only wish I'd taken some notes as there was so much to take in. Sonya over at Permaculture Pathways has done a great post about the talk, you can read it here.

If you've not seen the movie Food Inc. I would strongly suggest you watch it. I know its been out for a while and is now available on DVD. It's such a wake up call, I think it should be compulsory viewing for all adults and senior high school students. Joel appears in the movie and you can see first hand how he works his farm.

On a slightly more frivolous note, I found some more vintage sheets for my quilt. I've cut out all the squares and I hope to do some sewing this afternoon.

Hope you have a lovely weekend


Anonymous said...

That is some serious rain. I watched Food Inc. and loved it.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I think you need to send that reain here! :D Love those sheets :D

Deb said...

The rain is causing havoc in lots of areas and you have had a lot. I will have to watch Food inc as I haven't yet.

Sonya said...

Wasn't Joel's talk amazing? Lovely name you have for your blog too, Sonya